Drupal Content Administration - Canberra


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About this course

This course is for those responsible for administering content on a Drupal site. Participants will see how to navigate the general set up of a generic Drupal site as it is 'out of the box' and compare that to the training site which will have several customizations. This will include custom roles, content types, taxonomy (category) systems.

Event details

This course is for those responsible for administering content on a Drupal site. Participants will see how to navigate the general set up of a generic Drupal site as it is 'out of the box' and compare that to the training site which will have several customizations. This will include custom roles, content types, taxonomy (category) systems.

Additionally, popular contributed modules will demonstrate a typical website which has been tuned for better end-user experience in the context of a complete, robust website. These include a customizable dashboard, alternative administration themes and modules, custom Views, moderation modules, Save draft, Media module and others

Event Details:
This course is for those responsible for administering content on a Drupal site. Participants will see how to navigate the general set up of a generic Drupal site as it is 'out of the box' and compare that to the training site which will have several customizations. This will include custom roles, content types, taxonomy (category) systems.

Additionally, popular contributed modules will demonstrate a typical website which has been tuned for better end-user experience in the context of a complete, robust website. These include a customizable dashboard, alternative administration themes and modules, custom Views, moderation modules, Save draft, Media module and others.

This course will make you more efficient and productive in your job. It will also help you communicate with either an internal development team or an external developer on making improvements to an existing site. This course can also be customized as "Customized end-user training".

Drupal 7 has greatly improved user experience for both the end user and developer. A slick administration theme, customizable dashboard, customizable short cut bar, and editing in modal windows which keep the users in the right place. However, because Drupal is highly configurable and flexible, one website differs greatly from another. One site may have user forms, with active users and robust bookmarking, flagging and points systems. Another might be a catalog of hundreds of products each with many custom data fields, and categorized listings.

As an end user, this can pose a challenge. You may find yourself using a wholly customized system similar to a bespoke application. Once you learn Drupal's generic language for content administration and site management, you will be able to manage any Drupal site.

Canberra Canberra , ACT

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